15. October

11:30 - 12:00

12:00 - 12:10
Welcome to Florø!

Ocean Hyway Cluster

12:10 – 12:20
Setting the stage, State Secretary Even Tronstad Sagebakken, Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries

12:20 – 12:35

12:35 – 13:30

13:30 - 13:45
How do we succeed in a rapidly changing environment? A perspective on the importance of change management, creativity and seizing opportunities. Jens Berge, CEO, Norwegian Hydrogen

13:50 - 14:00

Crack the code: How to structure projects to secure bank financing, Snorre Valdimarsson, Partner, Thommessen

14.05 - 14:30
Cargo owners & Charterers - what it takes to bring green projects to life.
Moderator: Marielle Furnes Mannseth, Group Brand & Sustainability Officer, Norwegian Hydrogen
Panel: John Christensen, Manager Transport & Deployment, Coca Cola
Dirk de Jong, Project Manager, Future Proof Shipping
Jens Ismar, Executive Director Shipping, Exmar
Helge Såtendal, Advisor Low/Zero Carbon Logistic Solutions, Equinor

14:30 - 14:50
Coffee break

Welcome to Hydrogen Valley!

14:50 - 15:50
We invite you to go knowledge shopping in the valley

• Support Scheme Avenue - how to fund your project (Norwegian Research Council, Innovation Norway, Enova, Eksfin)

• Policy Street - how to navigate the future (Thommessen law firm)

• Tech Lane - connect with leading technology innovators

• Hydrogen Valley High - learn to pitch your idea or product in 30 seconds

• Il Ristorante - fancy a date anyone? (B2B meetings)

16:30 - 18:00 (limited seats)
Taste of Florø

Kinn Brewery ranks among Norway's top-selling craft beer brands. They create craft beers in the English and Belgian tradition based on the purest local mountain water. None of their beers are pasteurised or filtered and they are all brewed in Florø! Join us at their own pub Vesle Kinn where we get a taste of some of their beers! Light meal from our local deli Lille Marked will be served.

Departure for Knutholmen by boat

About Knutholmen
About as far west in Norway as it is possible to go, on an island facing the Atlantic Ocean - this is where you find Knutholmen. A family-run hotel with historic sea houses in stunning surroundings, and a restaurant known for its excellent seafood. We will be served a three course meal.

Return from Kalvåg to Florø

16. October

Building the Hydrogen Future: Connecting Infrastructure and Value Chains Across Industries

08.45 - 09.00
Coffee and networking

09.00 - 09.05
Welcome back
Ocean Hyway Cluster

09:10 - 10:00
Exploring the Hydrogen Markets: land, air and sea

10:00 - 10.30
Discussion, Hydrogen without handouts: Navigating profitable strategies for the future - subsidy free
Ronny Haufe, CEO, H2 Production
Martin Kjäll-Ohlsson, Executive vice president , Vergia
Even Tronstad Sagebakken, State Secretary Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries

10:30 - 11:00
Coffee Break

Maximizing Value

11:15 - 11:30
Utilisation of Oxygen from Hydrogen Production, Mathias Gustavsson, Senior Researcher, IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute

11:30 - 12:30

Break-out sessions

1. Maximising Value: how to utilize biproduct from hydrogen production?
Achieving circularity in hydrogen production projects is crucial. To accomplish this, we must utilize the byproducts effectively. In this workshop, we will explore various possibilities for utilizing surplus oxygen. Facilitated by IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute.

2. Hydrogen learning session - TBA

3. Building competence on ammonia as a safe and cost-efficient maritime fuel.
Risk mitigation and technological advancements in the ammonia value chain - key findings and insights from the research project MaritimeNH3. Facilitated by Sintef.

Presentation and discussion, by Hans L. Skarsvåg: Understanding ammonia gas behavior for safe Handling and leak response.

Presentation and discussion, by Truls Flatberg: Showcasing a model optimizing the location and dimension of ammonia production facilities, along with transport and bunkering infrastructure, to support the introduction of ammonia as a maritime fuel in Norway.

12:30 - 13:30
Networking & light lunch